Feb 15th - Howard Marsh: East side parking lot - 10:00am - 2:00pm. Field trip around Lake Erie marshes for ducks/winter birds. We will begin at Howard Marsh and see what other waterfowl are in the region. Bring a packed lunch.
March 15th - Sandhill Crane Wetlands 9:00am - 12:00pm. Meet at the Sandhill Crane wetlands parking lot. We will explore this are and surrounding areas looking for waterfowl, newly arrived American Woodcocks, sparrows and more! Bring muck boots as it can get muddy this time of year. April 12th - Manhattan Marsh Preserve: 9:00am - 12:00pm. Meet at parking lot. This is the newest Toledo Metropark and should offer great views of wetland birds and newly arrived spring migrants! May - no trips - Biggest Week trips only - |
THE OHIO YOUNG BIRDERS CLUB IS A PROGRAM OF BLACK SWAMP BIRD OBSERVATORY I 13551 W. State Route 2 I Oak Harbor, OH 43449 I 419.898.4070 I © 2023 www.ohioyoungbirders.org All rights reserved |